Congrats and thanks for all the great writing

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Thanks for two years of small, interesting and rich writing!!

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> virgo, my graph-based configuration language

The interesting thing is that I realized there's a python implementation for this at https://github.com/jwg4/pyvirgo

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Congrats! I just discovered your writing today and I wish I remembered how. I'm curious about your approach to publishing both on your main domain and here on Substack via a subdomain.

Why both? Why in the way that you do? What is the process? Any additional thoughts?

When it comes to my own domain, Substack, and Medium, my mind goes crazy on how to approach all 3.

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Fred Wilson is one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to writing (and many other things). So I generally try to copy his methodology. Blog on your own domain but use the distribution channels. I cross-post on Substack mainly to make it easier for people to follow along. I self host the rest (and will self-host the email newsletter if it ever makes sense)



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You can have your custom domain at substack

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Congrats on two years of daily writing. Incredible!

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