I like your take, Matt. This is exactly what I have been doing, too. If you know what to ask for and can guide a model towards producing things that are useful, you save tons of times. Especially when you need to solve a problem that requires code you usually would need to think about for a while... just explaining what you want clearly can often get that in a single prompt + response, and then a few debug iterations.

The whole idea that "everyone is now a developer" and "all developers are the same" is simply going to be wrong for a long time -- the knowledge of how to build things in a good way (system architecture) that is maintainable seems more important than ever.

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I think there's an interesting opportunity to build more tools to help automate this. Chat + copy + paste and context switching between an IDE and a chat doesn't really seem like the only paradigm that would be useful. Haven't quite figured that part out yet.

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High friction interface for sure... I know there are ChatGPT plugins to VSCode but I haven't played with them. That would at least move the inputs / outputs to the same tool (vs browser and IDE). Still feels a little wonky though, for sure. Let me know when you figure it out! 😉

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