Netlify, Vercel, and AWS Amplify
Netlify and Vercel are two startups growing at record pace. Both nail the developer experience and supercharge developer productivity. Tooling is everything, and in a world where bottoms up adoption is so strong, individual developers essentially pick the enterprise stack.
The 800-pound gorilla in the room is AWS. But the thing about 800-pound gorillas is that they weigh 800-pounds. AWS Amplify has failed to gain the same kind of traction (that's anecdotal evidence, I don't have numbers to support this). Why, is the tougher question. AWS Amplify has a Discord with over 13,000 members and the superior distribution of being an AWS service.
But this has historically been a tough space to monetize. Superior distribution often beats superior product. When might a better product beat distribution?
Open source is better distribution than cloud providers. Or it's about building community.
Clouds are bad at monetizing services that are highly opinionated and feature multiple low-level building blocks. You can think of Vercel as Cloudfront (CDN) + EC2 (Compute). Maybe this is organizationally difficult to do.
Cloud is too big to capture every horizontal software market
Developer experience moves too fast for cloud teams at large incumbent tech companies